Semester: | Fall 2000 |
Instructor: | Richard Hitt, Professor of Mathematics |
Office Hours: | MWF 2:15--3:00, MW 5:30--6:00, T 1:20--2:00, and by appointment in ILB 306 (enter via ILB 325). |
Phone: | (334) 460-6755 is a direct line into my office. If I am not in, you can leave a message on my voice mail. If you need to speak to a secretary, you should dial 460-6264 and press 0 (zero) at the voice prompt. |
E-mail: | My electronic mail address is . This is a good way to get in touch with me. |
Web page: | I will maintain a course web page that will contain information on class meetings and homework assignments. You can access it by starting at my web page and clicking on the course number. |
Class Meeting: | MW 6:00 -- 7:15 ILB 430. |
Text: | The text for the course is Advancedc Engineering Mathematics, Second Edition, by Michael Greenberg. |
Coverage: | Chapters 1 through 7. |
Prequisite: | Nothing formal, although the typical students in this course have graduate status in the College of Engineering and have undergraduate calculus and differential equations in their backgrounds. |
Technology: | I will use a TI-89 calculator and a computer with Maple software for in-class demonstrations. Assignments will be made that require the use of Maple (or some other computer algebra package). |
Grading: | There will be two in-class tests, each counting as 25% of the
course grade. The final exam (Monday, December~11, 6:00 PM -- 8:00 PM) will be cumulative, and will count as 35% of the course grade. The remaining 15% of the grade will be derived from quizzes and homework/project/writing assignments. Additional information on class projects will be distributed later in the semester. There are no make-up tests or quizzes. Late homework and projects can be accepted only with a compelling hard-luck story. If you miss a test and have a valid excuse, a grade for that test will be extrapolated from the part of the final exam which covers the missed test. Unless otherwise announced, the cut-off points for the letter grades A, B, C and D are 90%, 80%, 70% and 60%, respectively. |
Audit: | If you are auditing the class, you will receive a grade of UA (unsatisfactory audit) if, in the judgement of the instructor, you do not consistently attend class. |
Note: | Any student with a qualified handicap which requires accommodations should talk with the instructor after class so that arrangements can be made. A student must verify that he/she has a qualified handicap through the Special Student Services Office (460-7212). |