L. R. Hitt, "Examples of higher-dimensional slice knots which are
not ribbon knots," Proceedings of the American Mathematical
Society77(1979), 291-297.
L. R. Hitt and D. W. Sumners, "Many different disk knots with the
same exterior," Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici56(1981), 142-147.
L. R. Hitt and D. W. Sumners, "There exist arbitrarily many
different disk knots with the same exterior," Proceedings of the
American Mathematical Society86(1982), 148-150.
L. Richard Hitt and Daniel S. Silver, "Families of ribbon knots
via Stallings twists," Journal of the Australian Mathematical
Society (Series A)50(1991), 356-372.
L. Richard Hitt and Iaonnis M. Roussos, "Computer graphics of
helicoidal surfaces of constant mean curvature," Anais da Academia
Brasileira Ciencias63(3) (1991), 211-228.
L. Richard Hitt and Xin-Min Zhang, "Dynamic Geometry of
Polygons," Elemente der Mathematik56(2001), 21-37.
Jiu Ding, L. Richard Hitt and Xin-Min Zhang, "Markov Chains and
Dynamic Geometry of Polygons," Linear Algebra and its
Applications367(2003), 255-270.
Jiu Ding, L. Richard Hitt, Bin Wang and Xin-Min Zhang,
"Sierpiński Pedal Triangles", Fractals16(2008),
L. R. Hitt and D. W. Sumners, "Knots which are uniquely determined
by their complements," Proceedings of the Eighth Annual University
of Southwest Louisiana Mathematics Conference edited by Roger Waggoner,
USL Press (1978), 80-85.
Review of the article by Karo, Nobuyuki, "Alexander Modules," Proceedings
of the American Mathematical Society 91 (1984), 159-162. Review appeared in Mathematical
Reviews 85k:57021(1985).
Review of the article by Yamada, Tetsuo, "On the reflexivity of certain fibered
3-knots," Hiroshima Mathematics Journal 22 (1992), no. 2, 397-400.
Review appeared in Mathematical Reviews 93m:57028(1993).
"Applications of handle theory to knot theory," University of
South Alabama Research Committee, June 1, 1978 through November 30,
"Higher-dimensional ribbon knots," University of South Alabama
Research Committee, June 1, 1980 through January 31, 1982.
"The topology of four-dimensional manifolds with applications to
knot theory," University of South Alabama Research Committee, June 1,
1982 through May 31, 1983.
"Knotted periodic in dynamical systems," Arts and Sciences
Faculty Development Fund, January 1, 1987 through January 31, 1988.
"Applications of computer graphics to differential geometry,"
Arts and Sciences Faculty Development Fund, May 22, 1988 through November
30, 1988.
"Mathematica - An integrated computer environment for
mathematics," Arts and Sciences Faculty Development Fund, June 1, 1989
through May 31, 1990.
"Supercomputer calculations of knot polynomials," University
of South Alabama Reserach Committee, March 1, 1989 through February 28,
"Helicoidal surfaces of constant mean curvature," College of
Arts and Sciences Faculty Development Fund, May 1, 1990 through May 31,
1992, $3,045.
"A proposal to Sun Microsystems," Sun Microsystems, June 25,
1990, $70,000.
"Mathematics Workstations in a Laboratory Environment" (joint
proposal with John Cruthirds), National Science Foundation Instrumentation
and Laboratory Improvement Program, September 1, 1991 through February 28,
1994, $48,761.37.
"Mathematics Workstations in a Laboratory Environment" (joint
proposal with John Cruthirds), Wolfram Research, Inc., October 1991,
"Calculus and Mathematica," NSF EPSCoR Student Scholarship
Program, January 1, 1993 through December 31, 1993, $2,500.
"Calculus and Mathematica II," NSF EPSCoR Student Scholarship
Program, January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994, $2,500.
"A conference on knot theory, low-dimensional topology and quantum
groups" (joint proposal with Scott Carter, Dan Flath and Dan Silver),
NSF EPSCoR Conference Program, November 1, 1993 through September 30, 1994
(meeting held February 4-6, 1994) $2,500.
"Graduate Fellowship Program in Mathematics to Assist in Areas of
National Need" (joint proposal with Suzanne McGill), U. S. Department
of Education, September 1, 1994 through August 31, 1995, $118,215 plus
$29,554 Universtiy match.
"The Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowship Program," U. S.
Department of Education, October 1, 1994 through September 30, 1995,
"Graduate Fellowship Program in Mathematics to Assist in Areas of
National Need" (joint proposal with Suzanne McGill), U.S. Department of
Education, September 1, 1995 through August 31, 1996, $191,144 plus $47,786
University match.
"The Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowship Program," U.S.
Department of Education, October 1, 1995 through September 30, 1996,
"The Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowship Program," U.S.
Department of Education, October 1, 1995 through September 30, 1996,
"Graduate Fellowship Program in Mathematics to Assist in Areas of
National Need" (joint proposal with Suzanne McGill), U.S. Department of
Education, September 1, 1996 through August 31, 1997, $191,144 plus $47,786
University match.
Total Extramural funding (including university matches):