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Richard Hitt


Welcome to the course home page for Dr. Hitt's Applicable Mathematics course (MA 507).  You can see general information about the course in the First-day handout.

Assignment 6 has a type on it -- one of the equations has an extra x in it.  Click on the link to see the corrected version.

ClassMeetings E-mailList

This link contains a brief summary of each class.

If you have e-mail, signup to join the e-mail list and broadcast your questions and comments.

HomeworkAssignments Links

This is a list of homework assignments.

This is a list of links for DE and Maple

QuizzesandTests Handouts

This gives a list of previous quizzes and tests.

This link has a list of handouts for the course.

Maple Worksheets

This link has a list of Maple worksheets for the course.