
Assignment 3

Section 3.4


Richard Hitt


Here are solutions to the exercises from section 3.4 that were turned in.

Getting started

> restart;

> with( plots ):

> with( DEtools ):

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined

In Maple 6, you can turn on deeper levels of reporting on what Maple does as it solves a DE with the following command:

> infolevel[dsolve] := 3;

infolevel[dsolve] := 3

Problem 4(j) on page 108

First we solve the DE exactly using dsolve.

> de1 := diff(y(x),x$2) + 2*diff(y(x),x) + 3*y(x) = 0;

de1 := diff(y(x),`$`(x,2))+2*diff(y(x),x)+3*y(x) = ...

> dsolve(de1);

y(x) = _C1*exp(-x)*sin(sqrt(2)*x)+_C2*exp(-x)*cos(s...

The above command produced the general solution. For the particular solution in the problem we do

> sol:=dsolve({de1,y(0)=0,D(y)(0)=3},y(x));

sol := y(x) = 3/2*sqrt(2)*exp(-x)*sin(sqrt(2)*x)

Then to plot it, we can grap the right-hand-side of the solution and give it to the plot command.

> plot(rhs(sol),x=-3..2);

[Maple Plot]


Problem 4(n) on page 108

Again, we solve the DE exactly.

> de2 := diff(y(x),x$4)-y(x)=0;

de2 := diff(y(x),`$`(x,4))-y(x) = 0

> dsolve(de2);

y(x) = _C1*cos(x)+_C2*sin(x)+_C3*exp(x)+_C4*exp(-x)...

Problem 6(j) on page 108

> de3:=diff(y(x),x$4)+8*diff(y(x),x$2)+16*y(x)=0;


de3 := diff(y(x),`$`(x,4))+8*diff(y(x),`$`(x,2))+16...

> dsolve(de3);

y(x) = _C1*cos(2*x)+_C2*sin(2*x)+_C3*sin(2*x)*x+_C4...
